Thursday 20 May 2010

Straight Teeth For Adults

Many people associate braces with kids and teens. However, they are becoming increasingly popular among adults as well. These great orthodontic tools can help correct bite problems and give you a beautiful, straight smile no matter how old you are.

In fact, braces for adults are listed as the most effective way to permanently improve your teeth and your appearance in a conservative way. So, if you want to improve your smile, take the time to learn more about braces for adults.

Braces for adults are great option for many people. The first step to adding these dental tools is to find a dentist with a special interest in braces.

Upon speaking with your dentist, you will receive a full assessment of your smile and any bite problems that need to be addressed. Then, the dentist will discuss your braces for adults treatment plan. This information is invaluable to deciding whether or not braces for adults are right for you. Without a personal assessment, it is difficult to understand all of the factors that will impact your braces experience.

Cost is one of the most daunting aspects of braces for adults. Braces cost for adults generally start at £2500 depending on the length and intensity of treatment. Costs also vary based upon the type of braces you choose.

The most traditional option is fixed braces. These attach to the front of teeth, which are moved by manipulating an arch wire. Fixed braces usually take between nine months and two years to fully work. After this time, the adult braces are removed and the patient is left to wear a retainer, which is usually barely visible, for some period of time determined by your dentist.

Fixed braces are the most visible type of braces. This makes them somewhat unpopular among people who fear the stigma associated with their appearance. Thankfully, a few other options are available for adults.

One popular variation on fixed braces for adults is ceramic braces. These are manufactured to be a similar shade as a person’s teeth. Subsequently, ceramic braces are less noticeable.

Finally, there are clear braces for adults that are not fixed to the teeth. These braces for adults are worn for at least eighteen hours per day and removed during meals. Every few weeks, the braces are exchanged for a new, modified set. While invisible braces are effective, they generally only work for people with mild to moderate bite problems.

You are never too old for braces. People of any age can benefit from these devices and achieve the beautiful smile they have always dreamed of. So, if you are unhappy with your teeth, see your dentist at Ringley Park Dental Practice and ask about braces for adults.

Mrs P (age 58) Patient of Dr Freeke

I had my first braces at 58, including colourful elastics, and had to wear them for about 2 years, wearing retainers during the night now. It was well worth it! I was concerned about my teeth becoming more and more crowded and uneven, and I developed a lisp. They are so much straighter now! My smile looks better and they function better. Yes, I have to go for check-ups every few months, but it has been well worth it and I don’t mind. Being able to chew properly is most important especially as one gets older. Properly functioning teeth are therefore very important. Very few people made comments during my brace treatment period. The overall result is worth the inconvenience!

Dr Henk Freeke

Thursday 6 May 2010

Do you or your partner suffer with snoring?


Snoring is a very common problem and a recent survey has shown that one in five people find it difficult to fall asleep and are kept awake by a snoring partner.

At Ringley Park Dental Practice in Reigate, Surrey we are experienced in assessing for snoring and possible sleep apnoea and are able to make comfortable custom made anti-snoring appliances which means a bed partner can finally fall asleep without listening to loud snoring.

Sleep Apnoea, defined as periods of ‘stopping breathing’ can be responsible for a number of symptoms. Sufferers of Sleep Apnoea may experience some of the following:

Extremely loud heavy snoring, often interrupted by pauses and gasps
Excessive daytime sleepiness, e.g. falling asleep at work, whilst driving, during conversation or when watching TV. (This should not be confused with excessive tiredness from which we all suffer occasionally).
Irritability, short temper
Morning headaches
Changes in mood or behaviour
Anxiety or depression
Decreased interest in sex

At Ringley Park Dental Practice we are able to provide overnight monitoring equipment to screen for possible Sleep Apnoea. If necessary, we can then refer patients for more detailed sleep studies.

Many patients’ lives are hugely improved by wearing an anti-snoring appliance, particularly if their partner is finally able to sleep better. This improves relationships and everyone is a winner.

It is really important that snoring appliances are 1) custom made, by an experienced practitioner and 2) adjustable.

At Ringley Park we are able to offer this service in a comfortable environment.

Blog posted by Dr Jill Nightingale