Monday 28 June 2010

Dental Implant Treatment is comfortable, survey reports

For some people, there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of a trip to the dentist.
Even scarier for some is the prospect of replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant.
However, as dental implants grow in popularity as a permanent solution to tooth loss, it is
time to put nervous minds at ease.

A recent survey conducted informally by the American Academy of Periodontology (Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that places implants) asked periodontal patients what factors stopped them from getting a dental implant. The second most
popular answer given by respondents was “fear or anxiety”.

However, the same survey also revealed that of those patients who had previously received a
dental implant, more than half reported “very little to no pain or discomfort” experienced during the process and only 33% described the procedure as “somewhat painful or uncomfortable”.

These survey results help demonstrate that although dental implant procedures illicit fear or anxiety in potential patients, the reality is that the actual experience is not something to be frightened of. In fact the biggest group of people in this survey found this to be the case!

Why is everyone so afraid of procedures such as dental implants?
Perhaps fearing the dentist and certain dental procedures is something that is ingrained in our minds from a young age? Perhaps it is the result of ongoing, perpetuated stereotypes?Regardless of the cause, it is important to find ways to “unlearn” this fear, especially if you have been recommended or are considering a dental implant as the best course of treatment.

Seeing a dentist regularly and trusting his or her advice will help you to best maintain your oral health and minimize expense, time, and discomfort. If you decide to get a dental implant and are feeling anxious or fearful, find ways to feel more in control of your experience.

Here are my top recommendations

Find a dentist who will carefully explain the procedure.
Knowing exactly what will occur when the dental implant is placed can help put your mind at ease.

Find a dentist who will explain your options for techniques to control pain and stress, such as medications, the use of local anesthesia, sedation, or relaxation techniques that can make your treatment virtually painless.

Do you think you may have found that dentist? If you do then I'd welcome a chat with you, please call me now on 01737 240123

Paul Barnes, Periodontist, Ringley Park Dental Practice

Thursday 3 June 2010

Happy with your smile?

Are you unhappy with your smile?

Do you want to change your smile to improve the colour, shape or length of your teeth?

Or change the appearance of your gums or lips to give your overall smile a more appealing look?

A recent survey revealed that:
Over 75% of people don’t feel confident to smile in a photograph.
Over 45% of people make judgements about people by the look of their smile.
Over 75% of people think that a beautiful smile helps people psychologically.
Over 65% of people think that an attractive smile helps romantically.

A smile makeover involves one or more cosmetic, dental or facial rejuvenation procedures to improve the aesthetics of your smile. A smile makeover to one person could mean something completely different to another, and it is a very individual choice.

For example, some people want the perfectly white Hollywood smile makeover, or the celebrity smile with pearly white porcelain veneers. Other people may just want a simple improvement, such as the replacement of amalgam fillings with composite and teeth whitening. Whatever the reasons for your dissatisfaction with your smile, there are many different ways in which you can improve your smile using modern cosmetic dentistry:

Crooked teeth can be straightened with Invisalign braces or conventional orthodontics. They can also be covered with porcelain veneers for a faster solution, often referred to as “instant orthodontics”. In this situation, the main disadvantage is that your teeth need to be prepared for veneers.
Chipped, broken teeth can be repaired – the treatment will depend on the extent of damage, but the options include cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns.
Missing teeth can be replaced – gaps between your teeth can cause functional problems as well as being unsightly. Often, a smile makeover involves the replacement of existing restorations or gaps between teeth. Solutions include dental implants, a dental bridge or a denture.
Gaps between your teeth can be closed to give your smile a more even look. This can be achieved instantly with porcelain veneers. Orthodontics can also be used to move the teeth and close the gaps between them. Invisalign invisible braces, the Inman aligner, and fixed orthodontics like Damon Braces are just a few options for moving your teeth to close gaps.
If you have a gummy smile, this can easily be remedied by surgical or laser gum contouring.
If you are not satisfied with the colour of your teeth, or if you have badly stained teeth, they can be treated with prophyjet cleaning or professional teeth whitening.
If you have deep smile lines, frown lines or lips that have lost their fullness, these can all be improved using a combination of Botox and dermal filler treatments.

The end result of a smile makeover for many people is a smile to be proud of, one that is straight, white and perfectly aligned. At Ringleypark Dental Practice we have all the skills and latest equipment to make your “Smile Dreams” come true.
Dr. Arthur Walsh